play list

30 June 2008

The Hampdens - The Last Party

初次認識此隊澳洲樂團,The Last Party是他們今年5月才推出的大碟,全碟歌曲工整乾淨而相當舒服,雖然有些歌在我來說略嫌有太pop之感,但主音Susannah Legge的聲音相當吸引,沙啞而帶點點憂傷,尤以Forget to begin為甚,第一次聽這首歌時己很喜歡,其他如Asleep On The Lawn,Croupier等等也不錯,近期值得一聽的大碟

Try this song : Forget to begin
Offical website :


29 June 2008

Natalie Merchant - My Skin

Such a depressing & beautiful song by Natalie Merchant
"My Skin"

Take a look at my body,look at my hands
there's so much here that I don't understand
Your face saving promises,whispered like prayers
I don't need them

I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long as if I'm becoming untouchable...

Well, contempt loves the silence
it thrives in the dark,the fine winding tendrils that strangle the heart
They say that promises sweeten the blow
but I don't need them... no I don't need them.

I've been treated so wrong,
I've been treated so long as if I'm becoming untouchable
I'm a slow dying flower, I'm the frost killing hour
sweet turning sour& untouchable.

ooh I need the darkness,
the sweetness,
the sadness,
the weakness,
ooh I need this.
Need a lullaby,
a kiss goodnight,
angel, sweet love of my life
ooh I need this

I'm a slow dying flower frost killing hour
the sweet turning sour& untouchable
Do you remember the way that you touched me before,
all the trembling sweetness
I loved and adored...
Your face saving promises
whispered like prayers.
I don't need them.

I need the darkness,
the sweetness,
the sadness,
the weakness,
ooh I need this.
I need a lullaby, a kiss goodnight,
angel, sweet love of my life
ooh I need this
Well, is it dark enough,
can you see me?
do you want me?
can you reach me?
or I'm leaving...
you better shut your mouth and hold your breath
you kiss me now,
you catch your death
oh I mean this...oh I mean this...


28 June 2008

Stars - Calendar Girl

One of my fav song by Stars
"Calendar Girl"

If I am lost for a day; try to find me
But if I don't come back, then I won't look behind me
All of the things that I thought were so easy
Just got harder and harder each day

December is darkest and June is the light
But this empty bedroom won't make anything right
While out on the landing a friend I forgot to send home
Who waits up for me all through the night

Calendar girl who's in love with the world Stay alive
Calendar Girl who's in love with the world Stay alive

I dreamed I was dying; as I so often do
And when I awoke I was sure it was true
I ran to the window; threw my head to the sky
And said whoever is up there,please don't let me die

But I can't live forever,I can't always be
One day I'll be sand on a beach by a sea
The pages keep turning, I'll mark off each day with a cross
And I'll laugh about all that we've lost

Calendar Girl who is lost to the world
Stay Alive
Calendar Girl who is lost to the world Stay Alive

January, February, March, April, May I'm alive
June, July, August, September,October I'm alive
November, December, you all through the winter, I'm alive
I'm alive


25 June 2008

Last Friends



21 June 2008

wow welcome back



18 June 2008


不知不覺番黎香港已經成個月有多,今晚出去食飯時先岩岩同朋友講起落雨既問題,佢地成日話我係雨童,每次去camp都例必落雨,而俊仔既正能量可能因回港多時已經失效,上星期諗住去camp仲落佢一個狗屎紅雨添,所以今晚我知道一撞到雪榚又會比佢話我,果然一上車唔夠第3句佢已經忍唔住,仲比菲仔起多個名叫"head of rain",點解我會識埋依d咁既朋友呢?有時真係要檢討一下先得,講番落雨,問起雪榚點解我落機果日會係我未離開機場果時已經call我,明明我只係講左幾時上機從黎冇講過幾時番香港,佢話我離開香港果排不知幾好天,但有日個天冇lala落雨,佢就諗我係咪番左黎,有冇攪錯呀,我落機果日好似冇落雨架,咁都知,不過話實除左佢話過我外,個天又好似落左成個月雨,仲成日都好大添,都唔知點解咁多雨落,前幾日問過阿媽我唔係香港時係咪好好天,佢就冷冷咁答我"唔係好好天,不過冇落雨o者,你睇下d被,都唔知有冇得曬,可能要放到冬天呀!"真係有冇攪錯,雖然我覺得落雨有時真係幾靚望出街時感覺幾舒服,但落成咁想點先? 我講番依件事出黎,佢地又笑到死,我成日都覺得可能佢地成日講,先至會發生咁既事,如果佢地絕口不提,效果可能唔錯,雪榚話今晚12點後唔會再講,睇下今個sat去唔去得成camp,仲迫我今晚要掛起係西班牙整既晴天公仔,好,試下雙管齊下work唔work先




15 June 2008

Sopor Aeternus - Sanatorium Altrosa

認識Sopor Aeternus應是2000年所推出的Dead loves sarabande-face 1 & 2大碟,很幸運地此亦是他/她歷年來最精彩的大碟,華麗但悲傷沈鬱的沮喪感,完全看不到前路徘徊於黑暗與死亡之曲,神秘而古怪的Anna Varney據說從不露面亦從不踏出他/她所居住的古堡半步,當中有多少的真與假很難作出查證,只知道可以創作出如此悲傷的樂曲,心裡的擔子亦相當沈重,當年從官方網頁所看到的,長相神秘及所營造出的恐怖感十足,膽子小一點也一定嚇過半死,那時心想究竟他/她平日怎樣過活,但我愛她的死亡她的黑暗,亦因此令我愛上Gothic.

08年新碟Sanatorium Altrosa,用回Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows的名義推出,內裡華麗依舊音樂豐富,但hopeless,depressing欠逢,當中亦是07年大碟的舊曲重編,不愛不愛,沒有黑暗沒有死亡的Sopor Aeternus根本就不是Sopor Aeternus

Try this song taking from Dead loves sarabande-face 2 : No one is There
Offical site : (沒有感覺的新網頁,唉,反而fans的website還好一點)
